Time Or Money? Which Is More Valuable?
One of life’s questions – with an infinite number of answers. At CCFCU, we recognize that our members value both. That’s why we offer you so many ways to access your accounts.
From online banking, mobile access & e-Alerts, to e-Statements, CCFCU’s e-Services are designed to save you time and money.
Account Access – From online, mobile, & phone banking to Debit & ATM cards, we do our best to give you convenient options to get your money whenever, wherever.
Moving Money – Getting your money to and from your accounts is easy at CCFCU. We offer online bill pay and account-to-account transfer options within online banking, along with a separate web payments center.
Notifications – You can choose to receive notices and statements electronically at CCFCU. E-Statements, e-Notices, and e-Alerts keep you up to date with account happenings.
Order Checks Online – It’s easy! Just follow the steps – https://www.ordermychecks.com/
Skip the trip to the credit union – ask for eSign instead!
We offer the best in online & mobile banking in Maine!
With eSign, documents can be sent securely to a member via email to obtain signatures required for opening new accounts or new loans.
e-Alerts & e-Notices
Stay up to date with your account activity!
At CCFCU, you can receive electronic notices and alerts when certain activities happen on your account. Choose to have messages sent to your mobile phone or email address – it’s up to you!
Get notified when your account balance gets high enough to buy that certificate or open that money market account
Be alerted when your checking account balance is getting low and you need to make a transfer from savings
Be notified when your paycheck is deposited into your account via ACH
Find out when your insurance premium or utility bill is withdrawn from your account
Receive a reminder when your car payment is coming due
Receive an email letting you know when a notice has been mailed to your home so that you can be on the lookout
Enroll in e-Alerts & e-Notices today!
Simply log in to It’s Me 247 Main Menu, click Preferences or Message Center, and click the e-Alert Subscriptions link.
Reading Your Messages
If you have requested an eAlert to be sent to your email address, you will receive an email that lets you know an alert has been delivered to your It’s Me 247 Secure Message Center. The email will tell you what type of alert (such as an account balance alert, or a loan payment alert), but will not give the account number or any other details. You will need to log in to It’s Me 247 to read the details of the alert.
Because messages contain personal information about your accounts, they are sent to the It’s Me 247 Secure Message Center, so that you can read them only after verifying your identity by logging in to It’s Me 247. To read them, simply log in to It’s Me 247 as usual and click the Message Center button from the main menu.
Email messages are sent to the email address we have on file for you at the credit union. Make sure you let us know if your email address changes!
Online Banking
With Online Banking, you can check balances, transfer money, and stay connected around the clock.
Login today!
Click the It’s Me 247 Online Banking button at the top right of the page.
Enter your account number (or username, if you have one) and click Login.
Enter your password and click Submit. (If you have logged in before, you will also need to answer one of your chosen security questions, now.)
Click Continue. First-time users, follow the instructions on your screen to change your temporary password and set up your security questions.
When the It’s Me 247 screen appears, you’re in!
Extra Features
Online Banking covers all the basics (checking your account balances, applying for a loan, transferring funds between accounts, view transaction history, etc.) and more. Below is a list of a few of our members’ favorites.
Password Reset – Online banking has a security feature to help if you forget your password. First you need to be able to log in successfully one time and set up your own personal set of Security Questions. Then if you forget your password later on, we can ask you the questions to verify your identity to reset your password immediately online. Simply enter your Username, Login, and click “I forgot my password”.
Account To Account (A2A) Transfers – A2A is a great solution to managing accounts between institutions. It allows you to transfer funds to and from your CCFCU account and accounts held at other financial institutions.
Once you have set up an A2A transfer, you’ll see the account in the Transfer Money section when logged in to It’s Me 247 Online Banking.
Check Image Retrieval
Check image retrieval is available to members through Online Banking at no cost to you. You will be able to retrieve your check images using a computer, tablet or smartphone.
To Retrieve Check Images:
1. Sign into It’s ME 247 Online Banking account access.
2. Click on the checking account you want to see, either through Transactions or Accounts.
3. Check transactions will be listed as Check Withdrawal under the description. To the left you will see the check number. Click on the check number to view your check image.
Switch Memberships – Many of our members have more than one membership or account with CCFCU. Would you like to “jump” to another one of your accounts and view your other account balances and transaction info without logging out and back in? If you have multiple memberships at CCFCU, these options may be available for you.
Contact a Service Specialist to add these extra features to your online banking!
Visa Purchase Alerts
Know where your money is going!
Get a text or email whenever you pay with your CCFCU Visa Card.
With Visa Purchase Alerts, you’ll get real-time alerts whenever your purchase meets the criteria you selected during enrollment.
Visa Purchase Alert Benefits:
Keep your account secure: Get alerts for transactions in real-time and immediately identify potentially fraudulent activity
Take an active role: Track spending and stay on top of account balances
Choose your alerts: Adjust your alerts to what makes sense for you and receive them via SMS text or email
And Visa Purchase Alerts are free to Cumberland County FCU Visa cardholders!
Get Your Statements Online
Switching to online e-Statements can be a great way to “go green.” No paper is used to print your statement, and no envelope is used to mail it. Just think…you can see your account information securely online and avoid the hassle of waiting for the mail…all while helping to conserve the environment!
Get 25¢ for each e-Statement you receive!
That’s right! Sign up for e-Statements, and we’ll deposit 25¢ to your savings account each month for each statement received online with no mailed copy!
Enroll today! It’s easy!
Here’s How: After logging into It’s Me 247 Online Banking, go to e-Statements at the top of the page. Enter your email address and then click accept. You can immediately view your statements or return to It’s Me 247 Online Banking at a later time and click the e-Statements for later viewing.
A notification email will be sent to you periodically (depending on when you would normally receive your account statement). For security reasons, the statement itself will not be attached to the email; you must log in to It’s Me 247 Online Banking using your login information to view statements from our secure server.
Web Payments
Make your CCFCU payment online!
NOTE: Payments can take up to three business days to post to your loan account.
Our Web Payment Center allows you to make secure CCFCU loan or credit card payments using funds from another financial institution.
Payments can be made from a checking or savings account or a debit card.
Effective 10/1/23 – Credit cards are no longer accepted for loan payments.
Late Fines
Consumer Loans (includes autos, personal, other collateral, credit cards, & home equities)
A $20 late fine will be assessed if more than ten (10) days beyond the due date.
Mortgage Loans (includes Neighborhood Mortgage (NMS), Fannie Mae Mortgage)
A late fine of 5% of the overdue payment of principal and interest will be assessed if more than fifteen (15) days beyond the due date.
Bill Pay
Cumberland County FCU’s online bill pay features:
Full integration within online banking
Full mobile functionality for your phone or tablet
Ability to configure email alerts
Real-time access to checking account balance
Reminders if balance isn’t sufficient to pay bills
Frequently Asked Questions:
You will pick the day that you want your payment to be processed. You will notice that we will display the estimated delivery date for your convenience. If your payment is due by 12/12, you would need to login before your due date and schedule your payment.
Electronic Payment – You would need to send on or before 12/11.
Check Payment – You would need to send on or before 12/03.
Additionally, you cannot send a corporate check from your account.
Lastly, there is a 5:00 p.m. EST cut off time. Your payments scheduled after 5:00 p.m. EST will be processed the following business day.
1. Find your most recent bill.
2. Enter the payee name.
3. Enter your bill information in each box and hit “Add Payee”.
Roughly six months of your payment history should be available to you at this time.
We have two ways:
Email Notification: You will receive an email notification from our bill pay system. The communication will be sent by noreply@payveris.com. We encourage that you add this email address to your address book to ensure that it is correctly delivered to your inbox.
Online Banking Notification: It’s Me 247 will display the same communication within the bill pay message center.
Although we will no longer offer A2A within Bill Pay, we offer two free alternatives to you: A2A via It’s Me 247 Online Banking and Person-to-Person (P2P) transfers within the new Bill Pay service.
A2A Transfers
Once an A2A transfer is set up, simply move funds from one financial institution to another within the transfer section of It’s Me 247 Online Banking. To set up your A2A transfer, please contact our Service Team to complete the form. You’ll also need to provide, “Proof of Ownership” for your account(s) at the other financial institution. Acceptable Documents for Proof of Ownership are:
• Voided Check showing the owner(s) of the account, ABA, Account Number
• Your Name, Account Number, ABA/Routing Number, & Account Type on letterhead from the other financial institution
Email is not a secure method for transferring confidential documents; therefore, we recommend sending your completed forms to the credit union by:
• Using our Secure File Transfer to upload your documents. Here’s how: Zix Message Center
• Faxing your documents to (207)878-5327
• Dropping the completed form off at one of our branches
Person-to-Person (P2P) Transfers
P2P allows you to send money quickly and easily to any individual located in the United States using any computer or mobile device. With P2P, you can send money electronically to any recipient via an email address or mobile phone number.
We encourage you to enroll! This is a quick and easy way for you to pay your bills online.
**Checking account required to enroll in Bill Pay**
Electronic Payee: Merchant allows payments to be processed electronically.
(Processing Time: 1-2 Business Days)
Paper Check Payee: Merchant will receive a physical check in the mail delivered by the United States Postal System (USPS).
(Processing Time: 7 Business Days)
Managed Payee: The bill pay vendor and the payee have established a relationship to better deliver payments on behalf of the member. The payment address is not displayed to members because the information is considered proprietary information to the vendor.
Recurring Payments: User-defined request for automatic payments for a specific payee. The member will define the payment amount, frequency, start date, and end date.
EBill: Payment (bill) information will be displayed within your Bill Pay Dashboard. This information will provide you with important items such as Payment Date, Amount Due, and Available Balance (if applicable).
Thank you for being our member!